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ジェームズ・S・コールマンJames Samuel Coleman1926年5月12日 - 1995年3月25日)は、アメリカ合衆国社会学者インディアナ州ベッドフォード生まれ。

教育社会学公共政策などを研究し、ソーシャル・キャピタルという語を初めて用いた人物の一人。彼の『社会理論の基礎』Foundations of Social Theory は20世紀終わりの最も重要な社会学的業績である。経済学者ゲーリー・ベッカーとの親交で知られ、1980年代前半に共同でシカゴ大学内に学際的な合理的選択セミナーを開設した。

スタンフォード大学ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学シカゴ大学教授などを歴任。シカゴ大NORCNational Opinion Research Centerを指揮。1991年アメリカ社会学会会長。

米国の教育問題を扱ったコールマン・リポートで有名。晩年には数理社会学合理的選択理論、ソーシャル・キャピタルの研究で有名となった。 シカゴで没した。


  • Community conflict, Free Press, 1957.
  • The adolescent society: the social life of the teenager and its impact on education, Free Press of Glencoe, 1961.
  • Introduction to mathematical sociology, Free Press of Glencoe, 1964.
  • Adolescents and the schools, Basic Books, 1965.
  • Resources for social change: race in the United States, Wiley-Interscience, 1971.
  • Policy research in the social sciences, General Learning Press, 1972.
  • The mathematics of collective action, Aldine Pub. Co, 1973.
  • Power and the structure of society, Norton, 1974.
  • Longitudinal data analysis, Basic Books, 1981.
  • The asymmetric society, Syracuse University Press, 1982.
  • Individual interests and collective action: selected essays, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
  • Equality and achievement in education, Westview Press, 1990.
  • Foundations of social theory, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1990.
『社会理論の基礎』、上下巻、久慈利武監訳、青木書店, 2004


  • Union democracy: the internal politics of the International Typographical Union, with Seymour Martin Lipset and Martin A. Trow, Free Press, 1956.
  • Medical innovation: a diffusion study, with Elihu Katz and Herbert Menzel, The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1966
『販売戦略と意思決定』、小口一元宮本史郎訳、ラテイス, 1970
  • Macrosociology: research and theory, with Amitai Etzioni and John Porter, Allyn and Bacon, 1970.
  • Information systems and performance measures in schools, with Nancy L. Karweit, Educational Technology Publications, 1972.
  • Equality of educational opportunity, Arno Press, 1979.
  • High school achievement: public, Catholic, and private schools compared, with Thomas Hoffer and Sally Kilgore, Basic Books, 1982.
  • Becoming adult in a changing society, with Torsten Husé, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1985.
  • Public and private high schools: the impact of communities, with Thomas Hoffer, Basic Books, 1987.
  • University development in the third world: the Rockefeller Foundation experience, with David Court, Pergamon Press, 1993.
  • Redesigning American education, Westview Press, 1997.


  • Qualitative and quantitative social research: papers in honor of Paul F. Lazarsfeld, co-edited with Robert K. Merton and Peter H. Rossi, Free Press, 1979.
  • Social sciences and public policy in the developing world, co-edited with Laurence D. Stifel and Ralph K. Davidson, Lexington Books, 1982.
  • Approaches to social theory, co-edited with Siegwart Lindenberg and Stefan Nowak, Russell Sage Foundation, 1986.
  • Social theory for a changing society, co-edited with Pierre Bourdieu, Westview Press, 1991.
  • Rational choice theory: advocacy and critique, co-edited with Thomas J. Fararo, Sage Publications, 1992.
  • Parents, their children, and schools, co-edited with Barbara Schneider, Westview Press, 1993.



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